Episode 132

#132 How to sell more memberships this summer

Hello and welcome to "Sports CDP Crash Course," the podcast where we dive deep into the strategies and insights that can help sports organisations thrive by propelling them to the centre of fans’ hearts and actions so they can become a core part of their fans’ lives. 'm your host, Lorraine Moalosi, and today we’re talking about how to sell more season memberships during the summer.

1. Gamification

First up is gamification. People love games and challenges, and a CDP can help you tap into this enthusiasm by creating engaging gamified experiences. You can encourage first time membership signs up by using gamification to draw in new fans. Use score prediction games and wheel of fortune to entice them into not wanting to miss out on the action.

You can design loyalty programs where fans earn points for attending games, purchasing merchandise, or engaging with your content on social media. These points can then be redeemed for rewards, such as discounts on season memberships or exclusive merchandise.

Imagine a fan competing to reach the top of the leaderboard by attending the most games or sharing the most content. This not only drives engagement but also fosters a sense of community and competition among fans, making them more likely to commit to a season membership to continue participating.

2. Having a Preference Centre

Next, let’s talk about having a preference centre. A CDP allows you to create a centralised hub where fans can manage their preferences. This means they can choose what type of content they want to receive and how they want to be contacted.

For example, some fans might prefer email updates, while others might want push notifications or SMS messages. By respecting these preferences and delivering content in their preferred format, you increase the chances of your messages being read and acted upon. This personalised approach can significantly boost the effectiveness of your membership campaigns.

3. Teasing Exclusive Offers

Our third use case is teasing exclusive offers. A CDP can help you identify your most engaged fans and offer them exclusive early-bird deals or sneak peeks at upcoming promotions. By segmenting your audience, you can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

Imagine sending a special offer to your top 10% of fans, giving them first access to new season memberships or exclusive events. This not only makes them feel valued but also encourages them to act quickly to secure their spot, driving early sales and creating buzz around your memberships.

About the Podcast

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Sports CDP Crash Course - Data Talks

About your host

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Lorraine Moalosi

Hello, I am Lorraine. I am the Head of Communications at Data Talks, producer, host of the Sports CDP crash course, and Leader of the Women in Sports: Beyond the hashtag initiative. If you are passionate about women's sports, data, selling more tickets and merchandise, and negotiating sponsorship agreements of higher value. Then feel free to get in touch with me.